Next Steps

Next Steps

Need help determining what your next step is?
Maranatha Community Church exists to reach people for Christ, raise them to become devoted followers of Christ, and release them to live their God-given purpose. Accomplishing that mission goes beyond the weekend experience. We believe it is important to find a community to help you live out your faith.
Regardless of where you are in your relationship with God, Maranatha has a next step for you. Whether your next steps involve baptism, joining a small group, or serving as a volunteer, we’re here to help and encourage you.

Commit Your Life to Christ

Good people don’t go to heaven, forgiven people do. How do you get forgiven? By committing your life to Christ. Check out how to make that decision.

Get Baptized

Maranatha is always excited about the opportunity to baptize those who have committed their lives to Christ. Baptism is a picture of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It’s a public declaration of trust in Jesus .. an obedient expression that our old life is dead and our new life with Jesus has begun.  If you haven’t been baptized and would like to be, please contact us and we will put your name down for our next Baptism Celebration.

Join a Group

We believe that personal growth happens best in the context of meaningful relationships. Our small groups (called Connect Groups) meet throughout the week to help you grow spiritually grow beyond our weekend services and connect you with others.  Find a group close to you today.

Start Volunteering

Most of what you see here is led by volunteers, in fact Maranatha wouldn’t be here without our amazing volunteers. Serving is a great way to get connected within and contribute to our amazing community using your unique gifts. We’re always looking for more people who want to change the world, so if that’s you, we’d love for you to join us! Regardless of how much time you have, we can find the perfect serving opportunity for you!

Inside Track

Inside Track is the best way to get connected with God, our church community, and your purpose. The Inside Track process helps you understand the mission and culture of Maranatha Community Church. After completing the course, you will have the necessary knowledge and resources to take your next steps and build lasting relationships.

Start Giving

 Giving begins with realizing that God has given us everything we have. Since it’s all God’s, we have to continually ask God how he wants us to spend the money he’s given to us. One of the things he’s told us to do is give some of the money away. Giving is a demonstration of our faith and an expression of our worship. We believe everything we have is a gift from God, so we join in His work by giving joyfully, faithfully, and sacrificially.

Start Serving

We believe that the local church is the hope of the world. Our goal is to love God and others, both at home and abroad.

Lead a Group

Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples of all the nations. Every disciple, or follower of Jesus, should become a disciple-maker. At Maranatha, we want to help every follower of Jesus become a disciple-maker! Our vision is to see a multiplication movement where every follower of Jesus takes the “Next Steps” to becoming a disciple-maker that makes disciple-makers!